If you know me then you know I’m all about accessorizing. With the arrival of summer, I couldn’t resist making these colorful DIY stackable charm bracelets. This DIY project is super easy and super cheap and can easily yield tons of bracelets.
What you will need:
- Embroidery Floss (An color you like)
- Small charms (3 or more per bracelet) {Blue Moon]
- Jump Rings (Blue Moon)
- Thin Bangles (Blue Moon)
- Toothpick
- E6000 Glue
- Small Jewelry Pliers (opening and closing jump rings
The colors of embroidery floss, jump rings and charms are completely up to you. I purchased all items minus the pliers and tooth picks at Joann Fabrics. The charm sets were on sale for $0.97 so of course I purchased a ton. Some sets came with 3 charms so it worked out perfectly.
Using a toothpick, apply a thin layer of e600 glue to the bracelet. This will keep the embroidery floss in place as you wrap the bracelet.
Wrap embroidery floss around the bracelet making sure to hide the loose end at the beginning. Make sure there are no gaps between each wrap.
On this bracelet I used multiple colors of embroidery floss. Once you’ve gotten to the end, and another drop of glue to secure the ends. Add a drop of glue to floss to prevent ends from fraying.
Once glue has dried, add various jump rings and charms based on your personal preference. I chose to use 3 charms with around 4 jump rings in between. I chose red white and blue floss to go with this Paris themed bracelet.
and your DONE! Wear your bracelet by itself or stack them how I did. You can never have too many! Let me know how you guys liked this DIY and if you try this out make sure you post on social media and use #beprismatic …until next time XOXO